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Contact Us

KiwiRail has a dedicated freight customer services team to help with all your freight requirements. Whether you need more information about our products and services or help with making a booking or tracking your freight, they can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Rail freight

Phone: 0800 351 351 (or Auckland 09 363 5974)

Email: for Import/Export freight, or for domestic freight.

Quotes: Fill out our quote form here, or email

Contact a member of our commercial sales team to find out how KiwiRail can solve your freight transport needs.

Find out about making bookings

Find our container terminal sites

Reservations and general enquiries

Freephone: 0800 660 670

Dangerous goods

Phone: 0800 660 670

Interislander CV - New accounts and travel rates

Neil Brewer - Account Executive

Phone: 04 498 3000 ext 40467, Mobile: 021 221 4537, Email:

Lodge a freight claim

If your freight is damaged in transit whilst under the care of KiwiRail we may, subject to the terms and conditions of our carriage, consider a claim for damage.
In the first instance contact the KiwiRail Service Centre on 0800 351 351 or your Key Account Executive and advise them of the damage.
Written notice of any claim against KiwiRail must be received within 30 days after the delivery date or collection date as applicable. In the case of temperature-controlled freight, the notice must be received within 7 days.
If submitting a claim, you are advised to complete a claim application form.
Clearly show your consignment note number and attach any relevant supporting information such as proof of value.

When you have filled in the claim application form, send it to the Claims Supervisor, KiwiRail, Private Bag 92138, Auckland 1142.

General enquiries

For more information about wider KiwiRail business activities please visit 

Corporate offices: 0800 801 070

After hours: 0800 801 070 extension 43042

Auckland: 604 Great South Road, Ellerslie 1051 ; Private Bag 92138, Auckland Mail Centre

Wellington: Wellington Railway Station, 2 Bunny Street, Wellington; PO Box 593, Wellington 6140.